Cloud Computing

MBM single industries-served cloud computing

Revolutionary changes in the landscape of cloud computing require producers and users to have solid intellectual property protection and enforcement. MBM’s professionals are well versed in relevant practices such as compliance regulations, trademark, copyright and patent infringement, security concerns, and the sharing of propriety data resources. Our team works with various clients from start-ups to global leaders, to best protect their intellectual property and avoid potential infringement pitfalls.

In relatively new fields such as Cloud Computing, prudent legal strategy at the outset is essential to protect business assets and assert one’s rights against competitors. As this field continues to grow at an impressive rate, MBM is notably positioned at the forefront of this groundbreaking technology.

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DR. Stuart Bristowe

Patent Agent

Stuart’s practice focuses on the drafting and prosecution of patent applications in various areas of technology.MBM read_more_btn

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About MBM

 The process of invention is complete only with the IP protection provided in law. That's where MBM comes in. We match our clients' creative thinking with the creative protection needed to achieve their goals.Read More About MBM

Protecting Plant Varieties in Canada

Protection for new plant varieties has been available for just over twenty years in Canada.  As new technologies are sought for increasing and improving crop production, Plant Breeders’ Rights help to encourage such innovation by rewarding plant breeders with exclusive rights to sell, and to produce for sale, the reproductive material of their new plant variety. Read More